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Au 102: API Types

This tutorial explains how to name your types in function parameters and member variables.

  • Time: 30 minutes.
  • Prerequisites: Au 101: Quantity Makers.
  • You will learn:
    • The Quantity<Unit, Rep> type template.
    • The convenient aliases (QuantityD<Unit>, QuantityI32<Unit>, etc.) for each storage type.
    • How to form compound units.
    • A strategy for upgrading the APIs of existing functions.

The Quantity<Unit, Rep> template

In the previous tutorial, we practiced getting values into and out of the library, and even performing a few simple operations. However, we skipped the type name. Let’s learn it now—we’ll need it in order to use a quantity as a function parameter, or a member variable.

We store our quantities in a type template with two template parameters: Quantity<Unit, Rep>. Unit is a type representing the unit of measure. Rep, short for “Representation”, is the underlying numeric storage type. Here’s how to provide each parameter.

  • Unit:

    • This will typically be the CamelCase version of the quantity maker, which is itself represented in snake_case. (For example, for the quantity maker meters, the unit type is Meters.)

    • You can also provide a compound unit. We’ll explain how to form compound units later in this section.

  • Rep:

    • This can be any numeric type: either floating point (double, float), or integral (int, uint64_t, …).


Someday, we also hope to support more than just built-in numeric types for the Rep! See #52 for details.

QuantityD<Unit>, and other aliases

Templates with multiple parameters (for example, Quantity<Meters, double>) can be cumbersome. The whitespace in the type name can make it harder to read at a glance. Moreover, preprocessor macros will be unable to parse it unless you surround it with extra parentheses.1

To make things easier, we provide concise aliases to handle the most common cases. For example, QuantityD<Meters> (think: D for double) is identical to Quantity<Meters, double>. Here’s a table of the ones we support out of the box:

Rep Alias
double QuantityD
float QuantityF
int32_t QuantityI32
uint32_t QuantityU32
int64_t QuantityI64
uint64_t QuantityU64

Building new units from old

What if your unit doesn’t have its own proper name, but is instead built from other units? For example, “centimeters” is built from the named unit “meters” by applying a prefix, which scales it. Also, “revolutions per minute” is simply the quotient of the named units “revolutions” and “minutes”. Here’s how we handle these cases.

Prefixed units

Every SI and binary prefix is available as a CamelCase-named template. If you apply it to a unit, you’ll create the prefixed unit.

  • Example: Centi<Meters> is a unit of \text{cm}.
  • Example: Gibi<Bytes> is a unit of \text{GiB}.

Compound units

“Compound units” are units such as “meters per second squared”, where we form new units by essentially doing arithmetic on existing ones. This gets a little more complicated than prefixes, because even though we’re both starting and ending with types, the arithmetic itself is more natural to perform on instances. So here are the steps.

  1. Convert each unit type to an instance, by instantiating it with {}.

    • For example: Meters is a type; Meters{} is an instance.
  2. Perform your arithmetic operation(s), making compound unit instances out of your single unit instances.

    • For example: Meters{} / squared(Seconds{}).
  3. Pass the result to decltype(), to go from your instance back to the type.

Or, in diagram form, here’s how we enter the “realm of instances” to do our arithmetic, and then return to the “realm of types”:

flowchart TB

subgraph "Realm of Types"
  UnitT["Single Unit Type"]
  CompoundT["Compound Unit Type"]

subgraph "Realm of Instances"
  UnitI["Single Unit Instance"]
  CompoundI["Compound Unit Instance"]

UnitT -->|"{}"| UnitI
UnitI -->|"Arithmetic ops:<br>*, /, squared(), ..."| CompoundI
CompoundI -->|"decltype()"| CompoundT

Generally the best move is to store the result in an alias. Here’s a complete example.

using MetersPerSecondSquared = decltype(Meters{} / squared(Seconds{}));

Now you can easily form, e.g., a QuantityD<MetersPerSecondSquared> to hold your acceleration values.

Exercise: upgrading an API

To get some practice with these API types, we’ve included an exercise where you can offer a unit-safe interface alongside a legacy one.

Check out the Au 102: API Types Exercise!


  1. The type name for a quantity is Quantity<Unit, Rep>, where Unit is the (CamelCase) name of the unit, and Rep is the storage type.

    • For example, the return type of meters(3) is Quantity<Meters, int>.
  2. Prefer using the alias for each storage type, because using multiple template parameters can be cumbersome.

    • For example, QuantityU64<Seconds> is an alias for Quantity<Seconds, uint64_t>.
  3. You can apply any prefix to a unit type.

    • For example, Mega<Hertz> is the unit type for the quantity maker mega(hertz).
  4. You can form compound units by simply performing arithmetic on instances of the unit types, and defining an alias.

    • For example, decltype(Meters{} / squared(Seconds{})) is a unit type, representing the unit \text{m} / \text{s}^2.

  1. While we avoid using macros in our own library, we can’t avoid them in others! Even within this repository, we use googletest for our test cases, and googletest is macro-based.