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Magnitude is a family of monovalue types representing positive real numbers. These values can be multiplied, divided, and raised to (rational) powers, and this arithmetic always takes place at compile time. Values can also be converted to more standard numeric types, such as double and int, as long as the receiving type can represent the magnitude’s value faithfully.

The core motivation is to represent ratios of different units that have the same dimension. As a corollary, any unit can be scaled by a Magnitude to make a new unit of the same dimension.

Forming magnitudes

There are 3 valid ways for end users to form a Magnitude instance.

  1. ✔ Using the mag<N>() helper to form the canonical representation of the integer N.
  2. ✔ Writing Magnitude<MyConstant>{}, where MyConstant is a valid irrational magnitude base. (See the custom bases section below for more details.)
  3. ✔ Forming products, quotients, powers, and roots of other valid Magnitude instances.

End users can also use pre-formed Magnitude instances from the library, such as PI and ONE.

The following is a valid, but dis-preferred way to form a Magnitude.

  • ⚠ Magnitude<>.
    • Explanation: This represents the number 1, but it’s less readable than writing mag<1>().

The following are not valid ways to form a Magnitude.

  • ❌ Magnitude<Pi, MyConstant>.
    • Explanation: Do not supply a manual sequence of template parameters. Magnitude has strict ordering requirements on its template parameters. The approved methods listed above are guaranteed to satisfy these requirements.
  • ❌ Magnitude<Prime<3>>.
    • Explanation: Do not supply integer bases manually. Integers are represented by their prime factorization, which is performed automatically. Instead, form integers, rationals, and their powers only by starting with valid Magnitude instances, and performing arithmetic operations as in option 3 above.

Below, we give more details on several concepts mentioned above.


mag<N>() gives an instance of the unique, canonical Magnitude type that represents the positive integer N.

More detail on integral Magnitude representations

Integers are stored as their prime factorization. For example, 18 would be stored as the type Magnitude<Prime<2>, Pow<Prime<3>, 2>>, because 18 = 2 \cdot 3^2.

mag<N>() automatically performs the prime factorization of N, and constructs a well-formed Magnitude.

Custom bases

Magnitude can handle some irrational numbers. This even includes some transcendental numbers, such as \pi. Because Magnitude is closed under products and rational powers, this means that we also automatically support related values such as \pi^2, \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}}, and so on.

What irrational numbers can Magnitude not handle?

A common example is any that are formed by addition. For example, (1 + \sqrt{2}) cannot be represented by Magnitude. Recall that Magnitude is designed to support products and rational powers, since these are the most important operations in quantity calculus.

It is tempting to want a better representation — one which supports full symbolic algebra. Perhaps such a representation could be designed. However, we haven’t seen any real world use cases for it. The current Magnitude implementation already handles the most critical use cases, such as handling \pi, which most units libraries have traditionally struggled to support.

Because of its importance for angular variables, \pi is supported natively in the library — you don’t need to define it yourself. The constant PI is a Magnitude instance. It’s based on the (natively included) irrational magnitude base, Pi. (Concretely: PI is defined as Magnitude<Pi>{}, in accordance with option 2 above.)

If you need to represent an irrational number which can’t be formed via any product of powers of the existing Magnitude types — namely, integers and \pi — then you can define a new irrational magnitude base. This is a struct with the following member:

  • static constexpr long double value(): the best approximation of your constant’s value in the long double storage type.
Important information for defining your own constant

If you return a literal, you must add L on the end. Otherwise it will be interpreted as double, and will lose precision.

Here are the results of one example which was run on an arbitrary development machine.

No suffix L suffix
Literal 3.141592653589793238 3.141592653589793238L
Actual Value 3.141592653589793115 3.141592653589793238

The un-suffixed version has lost several digits of precision. (The precise amount will depend on the computer architecture being used.)

Each time you add a new irrational magnitude base, you must make sure that it’s independent: that is, that it can’t be formed as any product of rational powers of existing Magnitude types.

Extracting values

As a monovalue type, Magnitude can only hold one value. There are no computations we can perform at runtime; everything happens at compile time. What we can do is to extract that represented value, and store it in a more conventional numeric type, such as int or double.

To extract the value of a Magnitude instance m into a given numeric type T, call get_value<T>(m). Here are some important aspects of this utility.

  1. The computation takes place completely at compile time.
  2. The computation takes place in the widest type of the same kind. (That is, when T is floating point we use long double, and when T is integral we use std::intmax_t or std::uintmax_t according to the signedness of T.)
  3. If T cannot hold the value represented by m, we produce a compile time error.
Example: float and \pi^3

Suppose you are running on an architecture which has hardware support for float, but uses slow software emulation for double and long double. With Magnitude and get_value, you can get the best of both worlds:

  • The computation gets performed at compile time in long double, giving extra precision.
  • The result gets cast to float and stored as a program constant.

Thus, get_value<float>(pow<3>(PI)) will be much more accurate than storing \pi in a float, and cubing it — yet, there will be no loss in performance.


These are the operations which Magnitude supports. Because it is a monovalue type, the value can take the form of either a type or an instance. In what follows, we’ll use this convention:

  • Capital identifiers (M, M1, M2, …) refer to types.
  • Lowercase identifiers (m, m1, m2, …) refer to instances.

Equality comparison

Result: A bool indicating whether two Magnitude values represent the same number.


  • For types M1 and M2:
    • std::is_same<M1, M2>::value
  • For instances m1 and m2:
    • m1 == m2 (equality comparison)
    • m1 != m2 (inequality comparison)


Result: The product of two Magnitude values.


  • For types M1 and M2:
    • MagProductT<M1, M2>
  • For instances m1 and m2:
    • m1 * m2


Result: The quotient of two Magnitude values.


  • For types M1 and M2:
    • MagQuotientT<M1, M2>
  • For instances m1 and m2:
    • m1 / m2


Result: A Magnitude raised to an integral power.


  • For a type M, and an integral power N:
    • MagPowerT<M, N>
  • For an instance m, and an integral power N:
    • pow<N>(m)


Result: An integral root of a Magnitude.


  • For a type M, and an integral root N:
    • MagPowerT<M, 1, N> (because the N^\text{th} root is equivalent to the \left(\frac{1}{N}\right)^\text{th} power)
  • For an instance m, and an integral root N:
    • root<N>(m)

Helpers for powers and roots

Magnitudes support all of the power helpers. So, for example, for a magnitude instance m, you can write sqrt(m) as a more readable alternative to root<2>(m).


These traits provide information, at compile time, about the number represented by a Magnitude.

Integer test

Result: A bool indicating whether a Magnitude represents an integer (true if it does; false otherwise).


  • For a type M:
    • IsInteger<M>::value
  • For an instance m:
    • is_integer(m)

Rational test

Result: A bool indicating whether a Magnitude represents a rational number (true if it does; false otherwise).


  • For a type M:
    • IsRational<M>::value
  • For an instance m:
    • is_rational(m)

Integer part

Result: The integer part of a Magnitude, which is another Magnitude.

For example, the “integer part” of \frac{\sqrt{18}}{5\pi} would be 3, because \sqrt{27} = 3\sqrt{2}, and 3 is the integer part of 3\sqrt{2}.

If the input magnitude is an integer, then this operation is the identity.

If the input magnitude is not an integer, then this operation produces the largest integer factor that can be extracted from the numerator (that is, the base powers with positive exponent).1


  • For a type M:
    • IntegerPartT<M>
  • For an instance m:
    • integer_part(m)

Numerator (integer part)

Result: The numerator we would have if a Magnitude were written as a fraction. This result is another Magnitude.

For example, the “numerator” of \frac{3\sqrt{3}}{5\pi} would be 3\sqrt{3}.


  • For a type M:
    • NumeratorT<M>
  • For an instance m:
    • numerator(m)

Denominator (integer part)

Result: The denominator we would have if a Magnitude were written as a fraction. This result is another Magnitude.

For example, the “denominator” of \frac{3\sqrt{3}}{5\pi} would be 5\pi.


  • For a type M:
    • DenominatorT<M>
  • For an instance m:
    • denominator(m)

  1. The concept integer_part() is conceptually ambiguous when applied to non-integers. So, too, for numerator() and denominator() applied to irrational numbers. These utilities serve two purposes. First, they provide a means for checking whether a given magnitude is a member of the unambiguous set — that is, we can check whether a magnitude is an integer by checking whether it’s equal to its “integer part”. Second, they enable us to automatically construct labels for magnitudes, by breaking them into the same kinds of pieces that a human reader would expect.