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Defining new dimensions

This page explains how to define a new base dimension.

Recall that dimensions form a vector space. In plain terms, this means you don’t need to add any new dimension that can be formed as a combination of existing dimensions. (For example, the “force” dimension can be composed of the base dimensions “length”, “time”, and “mass”, so you don’t need to define it explicitly.)

Recall, too, that in Au, dimensions are an implementation detail. This means that although they are important for making the library work, end users rarely name them directly in their code, and they rarely appear in compiler errors.

Thus, defining a new base dimension is a much less common operation than defining a new unit. That said, it’s still sometimes useful, and it is supported by the library, so we’ll explain how to do it.

Definition features

Your definition will contain two “layers”.

  1. A new type representing the “base dimension”.
  2. A unit of this new dimension.

Your end users will typically only see the latter. In Au, it’s more idiomatic to work with units, instead of naming dimensions explicitly.

To give a concrete example, we’ll suppose we’re defining a new base dimension for “pixels”.


This doesn’t imply anything about whether or not this would be a good use case for a new base dimension; it’s purely for illustration purposes.

Base dimension type

In Au, a base dimension is a type with a static int64_t member, base_dim_index. This index must be unique among all other base dimensions in a program. The easiest way to make this struct is to inherit from au::base_dim::BaseDimension<N>, where N is the index.

To keep the index unique among all base dimensions in your program, we recommend using some integral identifier that is unlikely to be duplicated. This might be a GitHub issue number for your project, or a current timestamp in seconds using the Unix epoch.

Negative indices are reserved for the Au library.

Here’s how we’d define the new base dimension for our example of “pixels”. (We’ve used the Unix epoch approach to ensure uniqueness.)

struct PixelBaseDim : au::base_dim::BaseDimension<1690384951> {};

Unit of new dimension

The unit of your dimension is what you’ll provide to end users. They’ll combine it with other units via the usual operations.

The definition mostly follows the standard instructions for defining new units, with one exception: instead of inheriting from a unit expression, you’ll inherit from au::UnitImpl. This defines a new unit with the dimension that you pass it.

A note on the "magnitude" of this unit

The magnitude of this unit will default to 1, because this is the simplest choice. (Recall that only magnitude ratios are meaningful, and only for the same dimension. Since there are no other units of this new dimension, we can assign whatever value we please.)

Here is how to create that new unit. We’ll show a relatively full-featured definition, including unit label, quantity maker, and singular name.

// In .hh file:
struct Pixels : au::UnitImpl<au::Dimension<PixelBaseDim>> {
    static constexpr const char label[] = "px";
constexpr auto pixel  = SingularNameFor<Pixels>{};
constexpr auto pixels = QuantityMaker<Pixels>{};

// In .cc file:
constexpr const char Pixels::label[];
// In .hh file:
struct Pixels : au::UnitImpl<au::Dimension<PixelBaseDim>> {
    static constexpr inline const char label[] = "px";
constexpr auto pixel  = SingularNameFor<Pixels>{};
constexpr auto pixels = QuantityMaker<Pixels>{};

Usage example

This new unit will compose with other units in all of the usual ways.

Here’s an example test case:

constexpr auto resolution = (pixels / inch)(300);
EXPECT_THAT(resolution * inches(6), SameTypeAndValue(pixels(1800)));

If we followed the instructions in the previous section, this test should pass — and you can use the pixels unit in your project on the same footing as any other unit.