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Constant is a family of template types, each of which represents a single specific quantity value.

Recall that the usual way to represent quantity values is with a Quantity<Unit, Rep> type. This holds a numeric variable of type Rep inside, letting it represent many possible quantity values. By contrast, Constant is an empty class and has no “rep”: the single value it can represent is fully encoded in its type. This makes it an example of a monovalue type.

Because the value is always fully known at compile time, we do not need to use a heuristic like the overflow safety surface to determine which conversions are allowed. Instead, we can achieve a perfect conversion policy: we allow converting to any Quantity that can represent the value exactly, and disallow all other conversions.

The main use of Constant is to multiply and divide raw numbers or Quantity values. When we do this, the constant is applied symbolically, and affects the units of the resulting quantity. For example, multiplying a duration in seconds by a constant representing the speed of light produces a length, measured in units of light-seconds. Notably, the underlying stored numeric value does not change: whether a duration of 5 seconds, or a length of 5 light-seconds, we still store 5 under the hood.

This approach means that if subsequent operations cancel out the constant, this cancellation is both exact and has zero runtime cost.

Built-in constants included with Au

Au includes a number of built-in constants. Each constant is in its own include file, in the folder "au/constant" — for example, "au/constant/speed_of_light.hh".

The constant object itself is in the top-level au:: namespace, and uses an UPPERCASE naming convention, as with all other constants in the library — for example, au::SPEED_OF_LIGHT.

We spell out the constant name in full to avoid ambiguity. However, this can be overly verbose. We encourage users to define their own copy of each constant, with a more usable name — for example:

constexpr auto c = au::SPEED_OF_LIGHT;

This “copy” is essentially free, because the constant is a monovalue type, and therefore empty.

Here are the constants that we include with Au:

Name Symbol Value Include (under "au/constants/") Object name (under au:: namespace)
Avogadro constant N_A 6.022\,140\,76 \times 10^{23}\,\, \text{mol}^{-1} avogadro_constant.hh AVOGADRO_CONSTANT
Boltzmann constant k_B 1.380\,649 \times 10^{-23}\,\, \text{J} / \text{K} boltzmann_constant.hh BOLTZMANN_CONSTANT
Cesium hyperfine transition frequency \Delta \nu_{Cs} 9\,192\,631\,770\,\, \text{Hz} cesium_hyperfine_transition_frequency.hh CESIUM_HYPERFINE_TRANSITION_FREQUENCY
Elementary charge e 1.602\,176\,634 \times 10^{-19}\,\, \text{C} elementary_charge.hh ELEMENTARY_CHARGE
Luminous efficacy of light at 540\,\, \text{THz} K_{cd} 683\,\, \text{lm} / \text{W} luminous_efficacy_540_terahertz.hh LUMINOUS_EFFICACY_540_TERAHERTZ
Planck constant h 6.626\,070\,15 \times 10^{-34}\,\, \text{J} \cdot \text{s} planck_constant.hh PLANCK_CONSTANT
Reduced Planck constant \hbar 1.054\,571\,817 \times 10^{-34}\,\, \text{J} \cdot \text{s} reduced_planck_constant.hh REDUCED_PLANCK_CONSTANT
Speed of light c 299\,792\,458\,\, \text{m} / \text{s} speed_of_light.hh SPEED_OF_LIGHT
Standard Gravity g_0 9.806\,65\,\, \text{m} / \text{s}^2 standard_gravity.hh STANDARD_GRAVITY

Our policy is to include only exactly defined constants with the library. This rules out many useful constants, such as the universal gravitational constant G, the new (post-2019) permeability of free space \mu_0, and so on. For these, we can’t reasonably provide values that will satisfy all users at all times. However, defining custom constants for your own project is straightforward, as we explain in the next section, and in our how-to guide for custom constants.

Constructing Constant

Constant encodes all information about the value in its type. Moreover, it has only a single template parameter, which is a unit. Therefore, the first step is to encode your quantity as a unit — that is, to define the unit “U” such that your quantity has a value of “1 U”.

To do this, follow the usual instructions for creating new units. Note that you can use a much simpler definition that omits most of the optional features. The only important ones are those labeled [1] (the strong type definition) and [2] (the unit label).

Having defined your unit, you can pass an instance to the make_constant function. If the unit you defined above is called YourUnits, and the constant is called YOUR_CONSTANT, then the constant definition will look like this:

constexpr auto YOUR_CONSTANT = make_constant(YourUnits{});

Finally, note that the argument to make_constant() is a unit slot, so you can pass “unit-like” alternatives such as QuantityMaker or SymbolFor instances as well.

Full worked example: speed of light

Let’s look at an example of defining a constant for the speed of light. Both the name of the instance and the label will be c.

// In .hh file:
struct SpeedOfLight : decltype(Meters{} / Seconds{} * mag<299'792'458>()) {
    static constexpr const char label[] = "c";

constexpr auto c = make_constant(SpeedOfLight{});
// In .cc file:
constexpr const char SpeedOfLight::label[];
// In .hh file:
struct SpeedOfLight : decltype(Meters{} / Seconds{} * mag<299'792'458>()) {
    static constexpr inline const char label[] = "c";

constexpr auto c = make_constant(SpeedOfLight{});

Ad hoc constants

You can obtain many of the benefits of Constant even if you don’t formally define a new unit. Because make_constant has a unit slot API, you can pass an ad hoc expression to it. For example:

constexpr auto c = make_constant(meters / second * mag<299'792'458>());

The main advantage of doing this is its conciseness: the constant definition is a single, readable line. The built constant also has all of the multiplication and division operators types that Constant supports, as well as its perfect conversion policy to any Quantity type.

The only disadvantage is that an ad hoc Constant gets an ad hoc unit symbol, instead of a simple, concise symbol. The example below demonstrates the difference.

Example: ad hoc constants get ad hoc labels

Let’s take the following speed, and express it in terms of the speed of light, using a constant:

constexpr auto v = (miles / hour)(65.0);

First, an ad hoc constant:

constexpr auto c = make_constant(meters / second * mag<299'792'458>());

std::cout << << std::endl;
// Output:
// "9.69257e-08 [299792458 m / s]"

Note how the program is correct, and the label is accurate, but clunky: it prints [299792458 m / s] instead of a concise label such as c.

By contrast, we can use a fully defined constant. This is generally a little more effort, but some constants, such as SPEED_OF_LIGHT, are included out of the box:

// Found in `"au/constants/speed_of_light.hh"`:
std::cout << << std::endl;
// Output:
// "9.69257e-08 c"

There’s no difference in the program that gets executed, but the printed label is a lot easier to understand.

Constant and unit slots

Constant can be passed to any API that takes a unit slot.

Converting to Quantity

Constant can be converted to any Quantity type of the same dimension.

By default, this conversion policy is perfect. This means that it permits converting to any Quantity that can represent the value exactly, and disallows all other conversions. Users can also override this policy by choosing the “coerce” variant of any API (say, using .coerce_as() instead of .as()).

Finally, it’s important to appreciate that Constant has no rep, no underlying numeric type. Therefore, every Quantity conversion API requires an explicit template parameter to specify the desired rep.


This function expresses the constant as a Quantity in “units of this constant”. Therefore, the underlying stored value will be T{1}, and the rep will be T.


This function expresses the constant as a Quantity in the requested unit, using a rep of T. It has a perfect conversion policy, which means that it compiles if and only if the constant’s value in the requested unit can be exactly represented in the type T.

The argument unit is a unit slot API, so it accepts a unit instance, quantity maker instance, or any other instance compatible with a unit slot.


This function expresses the constant as a Quantity in the requested unit, using a rep of T. It is similar to .as<T>(unit), except that it will ignore the safety checks that prevent truncation and overflow.


Because .as<T>(unit) has a perfect conversion policy, we know that this function either produces the exact same result (in which case you could simply call .as<T>(unit)), or it produces a result which is guaranteed to be lossy. Therefore, be very judicious in using this function.


This function produces a raw numeric value, of type T, holding the value of the constant in the requested unit. It has a perfect conversion policy, which means that it compiles if and only if the constant’s value in the requested unit can be exactly represented in the type T.

The argument unit is a unit slot API, so it accepts a unit instance, quantity maker instance, or any other instance compatible with a unit slot.


This function produces a raw numeric value, of type T, holding the value of the constant in the requested unit. It is similar to .in<T>(unit), except that it will ignore the safety checks that prevent truncation and overflow.


Because .in<T>(unit) has a perfect conversion policy, we know that this function either produces the exact same result (in which case you could simply call .in<T>(unit)), or it produces a result which is guaranteed to be lossy. Therefore, be very judicious in using this function.

Implicit Quantity conversion

Constant will implicitly convert to any Quantity type which passes the safety checks on truncation and overflow. Essentially: any time .as<T>(unit) produces a result, that same result can be obtained via implicit conversion.

This provides great flexibility and confidence in passing Constant values to APIs that take Quantity.


The fact that Constant has a perfect conversion policy means that we can use it with APIs where the corresponding Quantity would not work, because Quantity is forced to use the overflow safety surface, which is a more conservative heuristic.

For example, suppose you have an API accepting Quantity<UnitQuotientT<Meters, Seconds>, int>, and a constant c representing the speed of light.

You will be able to pass c to this API, because the constant-to-quantity conversion operation knows the exact value at compile time, and can verify that it fits in an int.

By contrast, you would not be able to pass<int>() (which is a Quantity). Even though it would work for this specific value (which is 1), this quantity-to-quantity conversion is too dangerous for int in general.


Each operation with a Constant consists in multiplying or dividing with some other family of types.

Raw numeric type T

Multiplying or dividing Constant<Unit> with a raw numeric type T produces a Quantity whose rep is T, and whose unit is derived from Unit.

In the following table, we will use x to represent the value that was stored in the input of type T.

Operation Resulting Type Underlying Value Notes
Constant<Unit> * T Quantity<Unit, T> x
Constant<Unit> / T Quantity<Unit, T> T{1} / x Disallowed for integral T
T * Constant<Unit> Quantity<Unit, T> x
T / Constant<Unit> Quantity<UnitInverseT<Unit>, T> x

Quantity<U, R>

Multiplying or dividing Constant<Unit> with a Quantity<U, R> produces a Quantity whose rep is R, and whose unit is derived from Unit and U.

In the following table, we will use x to represent the underlying value in the input quantity — that is, if the input quantity was q, then x is{}).

Operation Resulting Type Underlying Value Notes
Constant<Unit> * Quantity<U, R> Quantity<UnitProductT<Unit, U>, R> x
Constant<Unit> / Quantity<U, R> Quantity<UnitQuotientT<Unit, U>, R> R{1} / x Disallowed for integral R
Quantity<U, R> * Constant<Unit> Quantity<UnitProductT<U, Unit>, R> x
Quantity<U, R> / Constant<Unit> Quantity<UnitQuotientT<U, Unit>, R> x


Constants compose: the product or quotient of two Constant instances is a new Constant instance.

Operation Resulting Type
Constant<Unit> * Constant<U> Constant<UnitProductT<Unit, U>>
Constant<Unit> / Constant<U> Constant<UnitQuotientT<Unit, U>>


Multiplying or dividing Constant<Unit> with a QuantityMaker<U> produces a new QuantityMaker whose unit is derived from Unit and U.

Operation Resulting Type
Constant<Unit> * QuantityMaker<U> QuantityMaker<UnitProductT<Unit, U>>
Constant<Unit> / QuantityMaker<U> QuantityMaker<UnitQuotientT<Unit, U>>
QuantityMaker<U> * Constant<Unit> QuantityMaker<UnitProductT<U, Unit>>
QuantityMaker<U> / Constant<Unit> QuantityMaker<UnitQuotientT<U, Unit>>


Multiplying or dividing Constant<Unit> with a SingularNameFor<U> produces a new SingularNameFor whose unit is derived from Unit and U.

Operation Resulting Type
Constant<Unit> * SingularNameFor<U> SingularNameFor<UnitProductT<Unit, U>>
Constant<Unit> / SingularNameFor<U> SingularNameFor<UnitQuotientT<Unit, U>>
SingularNameFor<U> * Constant<Unit> SingularNameFor<UnitProductT<U, Unit>>
SingularNameFor<U> / Constant<Unit> SingularNameFor<UnitQuotientT<U, Unit>>


Multiplying or dividing Constant<Unit> with a Magnitude produces a new Constant which is scaled by that magnitude.

In the following table, let m be an instance of Magnitude<BPs...>.

Operation Resulting Type
Constant<Unit> * Magnitude<BPs...> Constant<decltype(Unit{} * m)>
Constant<Unit> / Magnitude<BPs...> Constant<decltype(Unit{} / m)>
Magnitude<BPs...> * Constant<Unit> Constant<decltype(Unit{} * m)>
Magnitude<BPs...> / Constant<Unit> Constant<decltype(UnitInverseT<Unit>{} * m)>

QuantityPointMaker<U> (deleted)

Multiplying or dividing Constant<Unit> with a QuantityPointMaker<U> is explicitly deleted, because quantity points do not support multiplication.

QuantityPoint<U, R> (deleted)

Multiplying or dividing Constant<Unit> with a QuantityPoint<U, R> is explicitly deleted, because quantity points do not support multiplication.