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Inter-library Interoperation

This guide explains how to use Au’s corresponding quantity machinery to set up minimum-friction interoperation between Au and some other C++ units library. The main use case is for migrating either to or from Au. Once you set this up, you will be able to pass Au’s quantity types to APIs expecting equivalent types from the other library, and vice versa. This flexibility will make that migration much easier, because it will let you migrate individual build targets without forcing you to upgrade all of their callers at the same time.

Here are the steps involved.

  1. Define the equivalences.
  2. (Optional) Create a shim file.


In this generic guide, the details for each step will strongly depend on the details of the library you’re using. In each step, we will explain the abstract goals to achieve, and we’ll show a concrete example of achieving them with one specific units library.

We chose the nholthaus library for all our examples because it’s very popular, and it illustrates the concepts nicely. However, if you’re actually using the nholthaus library, you do not need to follow this guide! That’s because we already did all of the hard work for you, and included nholthaus-specific migration machinery in the repository. We have a separate, more specific how-to guide which shows you how to use it.

Define the equivalences

“Define the equivalences” means to specify which types in the other units library are equivalent to which Au quantity types. To do so, you’ll create a new file where these definitions will live. We strongly recommend also creating a test file, and we’ll assume for the rest of this guide that you have done so.

If you’re defining equivalence with an individual concrete type, the reference documentation will likely be sufficient. However, establishing correspondence with another units library is more complicated, because you’ll be defining equivalencies with a family of type templates. This section explains how to manage that complexity effectively.

Write tests

The tests in the test file will be phrased directly in terms of the features we’re trying to achieve. In particular, our goal is for all of the following statements to be true:

  1. An as_quantity() mapping exists for the other library’s type, and it returns the right kind of Au quantity.

  2. We can pass the other library’s type to an API expecting the corresponding Au type.

  3. We can pass the Au type to an API expecting the other library’s type.

    • If we got the Au type from step 2, then this “round trip” conversion must be the identity.

You will probably be writing a lot of these test cases, so it’s worth making a small utility that tests all three. The precise format will depend on the details of the other library, but here’s an example for the nholthaus/units library:

Example: testing nholthaus/units equivalencies

The Au repo includes ready-made equivalence definitions for the nholthaus/units library, as demonstrated in detail in our how-to guide for using them. Those definitions include tests. Here’s how we wrote them.

First, we make a templated utility that tests all three properties listed above:

template <typename NholthausType, typename AuUnit>
void expect_equivalent(QuantityMaker<AuUnit> expected_au_unit) {
    const auto original = NholthausType{1.2};
    const auto equivalent_to_expected_au_unit = QuantityEquivalent(expected_au_unit(1.2));

    // Check that an `as_quantity` mapping _exists_ for this nholthaus type, and that its result
    // is quantity-equivalent to the given QuantityMaker applied to the same underlying value.
    const auto converted_to_quantity = as_quantity(original);
    EXPECT_THAT(converted_to_quantity, equivalent_to_expected_au_unit);

    // Check that this nholthaus type is _implicitly_ convertible to its equivalent type, and
    // that again, the result is quantity-equivalent to the given QuantityMaker applied to the
    // same underlying value.
    const decltype(converted_to_quantity) implicitly_converted_to_quantity = original;
    EXPECT_THAT(implicitly_converted_to_quantity, equivalent_to_expected_au_unit);

    // Check that the equivalent Quantity type can be _implicitly_ converted back to the
    // original nholthaus type, and that this round trip is the identity.
    const NholthausType round_trip = implicitly_converted_to_quantity;
    EXPECT_EQ(round_trip, original);

(In the above, note that QuantityEquivalent is a utility from the Au library. It’s found in "au/testing.hh", which is available in our full installation but not in our single-file installation. This matcher tests an object against the value in its constructor (here, expected_au_unit(1.2)). It makes sure that their types are quantity-equivalent, and their values are equal.)

Next, we write test cases which take advantage of this utility, such as this group.

TEST(NholthausTypes, MapsBaseUnitsOntoCorrectAuQuantityTypes) {

Note how the utility makes these very easy to read.

Implement the definitions

Generally, writing an implementation that passes these unit tests includes:

  1. Figuring out which template parameters are most relevant for the other library’s types.

  2. Writing helpers that can extract the Unit and Rep information from these template parameters.

  3. Writing a partial specialization of au::CorrespondingQuantity using the template parameters from the first step.

Again, the details will depend strongly on the details of the library you’re working with, but here’s an example using the nholthaus library:

Step 1: determine template parameters

The main user-facing types in the nholthaus library are based on the three-parameter units::unit_t<U, R, S> template.

  • U is the unit, a specialization of units::unit<...> (more on this later).
  • R is the Rep, just as in Au.
  • S is the “scale”.

The point of S is to support non-linear “units”, such as decibels. Since Au doesn’t support these as of the time of writing this guide (see #41), we don’t need to let this vary: we can hardcode it as units::linear_scale.

U is based on the four-parameter units::unit<RationalScale, BaseUnit, PiPower, Offset> template.

  • RationalScale is a rational scale factor (say, 1000 for kilometer_t).
  • BaseUnit is the “base unit”: it’s the coherent (that is, unscaled) unit of the dimension we want to represent.
  • PiPower is the “pi power”. The overall unit is further rescaled by \pi^\text{PiPower} — an ingenious solution that enables maximally accurate handling of degrees and radians, despite the lack of full-fledged magnitudes.
  • Offset is the linear offset of this unit, which enables certain affine space type use cases such as temperatures (although with less expressivity than a full quantity point solution).

If Offset is anything other than zero, there’s a good chance our use case needs quantity point, not just quantity. This makes automatic conversions risky, so we’ll opt out of them in these use cases, by hardcoding the Offset parameter to std::ratio<0> (that is, “no offset”).

The other template parameters are all necessary. RationalScale and PiPower combine together to represent the magnitude of the Au unit type. BaseUnit is what tells us which dimension to use, and which unit of that dimension corresponds to a scale factor of 1.

Thus, our final set of template parameters includes R, RationalScale, BaseUnit, and PiPower.

Step 2: write utilities to compute Unit and Rep

The template parameters in the previous section — namely, R, RationalScale, BaseUnit, and PiPower — will be the inputs for these utilities. The ultimate outputs will be Unit and Rep. (Of course, we’ll often want to write intermediate utilities that facilitate these final answers.)

In our case, Rep is very easy: it’s exactly equivalent to R.

Unit is much more involved, but we can break it into two main steps:

  1. Find the Au unit corresponding to BaseUnit.
  2. Find the Au magnitude corresponding to RationalScale and PiPower.

Once we have these, we can simply multiply this Au unit by this Au magnitude.

Let’s call our top-level utility AuUnit. If NholthausUnit is some specialization of units::unit<...>, then our goal is to be able to write:

using Unit = typename AuUnit<NholthausUnit>::type;

To save space, we’ll simply describe any utilities more low-level than AuUnit, omitting their implementations. Of course, full implementations can be found in our ready-made nholthaus conversion file.

For the base unit, we know that nholthaus represents it as a set of rational exponents of units of base dimensions. These are the seven base SI units — meters, kilograms, and so on — plus radians and bytes. Therefore, let’s assume we have one “extractor” utility for each of these. For example, MeterExpT<NholthausUnit> gives the exponent (as a std::ratio specialization) for Meters in NholthausUnit. If we write a similar utility for each base dimension, we can fully compute the base unit.

For the magnitude, we can write a utility, NholthausUnitMag<NholthausUnit>. This will make a separate magnitude for the RationalScale and PiPower that went into NholthausUnit, and simply multiply them.

With these in hand, we can complete our AuUnit definition:

template <class NholthausUnit>
struct AuUnit {
    using NU = NholthausUnit;

    using type = decltype(
        UnitPowerT<Meters, MeterExpT<NU>::num, MeterExpT<NU>::den>{} *
        UnitPowerT<Kilo<Grams>, KilogramExpT<NU>::num, KilogramExpT<NU>::den>{} *
        UnitPowerT<Seconds, SecondExpT<NU>::num, SecondExpT<NU>::den>{} *
        UnitPowerT<Radians, RadianExpT<NU>::num, RadianExpT<NU>::den>{} *
        UnitPowerT<Amperes, AmpExpT<NU>::num, AmpExpT<NU>::den>{} *
        UnitPowerT<Kelvins, KelvinExpT<NU>::num, KelvinExpT<NU>::den>{} *
        UnitPowerT<Bytes, ByteExpT<NU>::num, ByteExpT<NU>::den>{} *
        UnitPowerT<Candelas, CandelaExpT<NU>::num, CandelaExpT<NU>::den>{} *
        UnitPowerT<Moles, MoleExpT<NU>::num, MoleExpT<NU>::den>{} *

This will make it very easy to compute Unit, and we’re ready to define the equivalences.

Step 3: specialize au::CorrespondingQuantity

At this point, we are ready to assemble our CorrespondingQuantity specialization. This is what will enable the bidirectional conversions. Here are the steps.

  1. Use the same template parameters you determined in step 1.
  2. Fill in Unit and Rep using the utilities from step 2.
  3. Define extract_value() and construct_from_value() to enable conversions.

Here is a fully working version using our nholthaus example.

namespace au {

template <class R, class RationalScale, class BaseUnit, class PiPower>
struct CorrespondingQuantity<
    units::unit_t<units::unit<RationalScale, BaseUnit, PiPower, std::ratio<0>>,
                  units::linear_scale>> {
    // NOTE: our "real" implementation has a few utilities to avoid this repetition.
    using NholthausUnit = units::unit<RationalScale, BaseUnit, PiPower, std::ratio<0>>;
    using NholthausType = units::unit_t<NholthausUnit, R, units::linear_scale>;

    using Unit = typename AuUnit<NholthausUnit>::type;
    using Rep = R;

    static constexpr Rep extract_value(NholthausType d) { return d.template to<Rep>(); }
    static constexpr NholthausType construct_from_value(Rep x) { return NholthausType{x}; }

}  // namespace au

If this definition is visible, you will be able to pass, say, units::length::meter_t instances to any API expecting au::QuantityD<au::Meters>, and vice versa!

(Optional) Create a shim file

A migration involves two libraries. Let’s say the “original” library is the one you’re migrating from, and the “target” library is the one you’re migrating to. If your original library has a single-file delivery, you can make your migration even easier. You can make it so that anyone who includes the original automatically gets the relevant part of the target library, and all of the conversion machinery described on this page!

Let’s suppose that the single file which holds the original library is called "third_party/orig/units.hh". This is the file that all of your users include. Let’s also suppose that your definitions from the previous section live in the file "third_party/orig/au_interop.hh". To give your users automatic access to these interoperability definitions, here are the steps.

  1. Rename "third_party/orig/units.hh" to "third_party/orig/units_impl.hh".
  2. Update the include inside of au_interop.hh to point to units_impl.hh.
  3. Make a new "third_party/orig/units.hh" file, with the following contents:
#pragma once

#include "third_party/orig/au_interop.hh"
#include "third_party/orig/units_impl.hh"

If your original library doesn’t use single-file delivery, there is no single place to put this shim. In that case, you could consider making an individual shim for every include file, which defines only the conversion machinery that’s relevant for that file, although this would be labor intensive. The alternative is of course to tell users to include this machinery directly, instead of using shims.