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Au 102: API Types Exercise


This is the exercise for the concepts in the tutorial page Au 102: API Types. We’ll assume you’re familiar with everything in that page, so if you’re not, you’ll want to read it first.


Before you start, make sure you’ve followed the developer’s guide so you’re able to build and test the code!

Introduction: the legacy function

Here’s a simple example of a function that deals with physical quantities, but lacks unit safety because it’s using raw numeric types.

// The distance (in meters) it would take to stop, with a given starting speed
// and constant (negative) acceleration.
// Parameters:
// - speed_mps:  The starting speed, in meters per second.
// - acceleration_mpss:  The braking acceleration, in meters per second squared.
// Preconditions:
// - speed_mps >= 0.0
// - acceleration_mpss < 0.0
constexpr double stopping_distance_m(
    double speed_mps, double acceleration_mpss);

We’re going to provide a unit-safe interface for any clients that want to use it. We’ll leave the old interface in place, so we won’t be forced to update our codebase all at once!

To make sure you’re set up and ready to go, run bazel test //tutorial:102_api_types_test. All tests should pass.

The three files we’ll be working in can be found here, relative to the repository root:

  • "tutorial/102_api_types.hh"
  • "tutorial/"
  • "tutorial/"

Exercise 1: new interface shim

Open up the test file, "tutorial/", and scroll down to the EXERCISE 1 section. You’ll find two test cases below, which are commented out. Uncomment them, and rerun the tests. As before:

bazel test //tutorial:102_api_types_test

They’ll fail.

Exercise 1(a)

Make these new tests compile by declaring a new function, in "tutorial/102_api_types.hh", with this signature:

AAA stopping_distance(BBB speed, CCC acceleration);

The types AAA, BBB, and CCC are placeholders for quantity types; it’s your job to figure out the actual types which should go there. The Rep for each quantity should be double, since that’s what the function we’re replacing uses. As for the Unit, you may find it useful to define appropriate aliases for, say, MetersPerSecond and MetersPerSecondSquared.

Something like this inside of your "tutorial/102_api_types.hh" file should work:

using MetersPerSecond = decltype(Meters{} / Seconds{});
using MetersPerSecondSquared = decltype(MetersPerSecond{} / Seconds{});

QuantityD<Meters> stopping_distance(QuantityD<MetersPerSecond> speed,
                                    QuantityD<MetersPerSecondSquared> acceleration);

First, we declared the aliases for the compound units. Then, we made a new signature with quantity types instead of raw double. We used the QuantityD<U> form, rather than Quantity<U, double>, for conciseness.


When composing unit type instances (like Meters{}), we don’t get the same fluency as when we compose quantity makers (like meters). In particular, we can’t offer the same grammatical fluency. With quantity makers, we would write meters / second. However, with unit type instances, we end up needing to write Meters{} / Seconds{}, rather than Meters{} / Second{}.

Note that we also removed the suffixes (such as _m, _mps, and _mpss) from the variable and function names. Those suffixes were there to help humans keep track of units. Now that’s the compiler’s job!

If we rerun the tests now, we’ll find we get a linker error rather than a compiler error. This makes sense: our function hasn’t been implemented yet.

Exercise 1(a)

Go to, and implement the function you had just declared.

Your function implementation should amount to a thin wrapper on the existing function. First, we’ll “unwrap” the input quantity parameters, giving us raw double values we can pass to the old version. Then, we’ll “wrap” the answer with the appropriate quantity maker.

Something like this inside of your "tutorial/" file should work:

QuantityD<Meters> stopping_distance(QuantityD<MetersPerSecond> speed,
                                    QuantityD<MetersPerSecondSquared> acceleration) {
    return meters(stopping_distance_m( / second),
                             / squared(second))));

Notice how we have a unit-safe handoff on the output. We’re passing the result of stopping_distance_m(...) to meters(...), and we can see that the units match.

We don’t have a unit-safe handoff on the inputs. The only way to check they’re correct is by carefully inspecting the order and comparing to the signature of stopping_distance_m(). Fortunately, that function lives in the same file, so it’s not too onerous to verify the correctness.

Reminder about .in(...) syntax

The argument you pass needs to be an instance, not a type. It may be tempting to call, but that’s not valid C++ (you can’t “pass a type” to a function). That’s why we passed the quantity maker instead: / second).

Exercise 2: reverse the roles

At this point, we’re in pretty decent shape. We’ve provided a unit-safe interface which anyone can take advantage of. And we’ve left the old interface in place, so we haven’t broken any existing clients!

However, we can do a lot better.

First, if you read the commentary in the previous section’s solution, you’ll know that the input parameters don’t have a unit-safe handoff. That’s a small problem. A bigger problem is that we’re not taking full advantage of the units library in our implementation itself! To see why this matters, introduce a unit error by deleting the * t_s from the end of the implementation:

    return speed_mps * t_s + 0.5 * acceleration_mpss * t_s * t_s;
    //                                      Delete this---^^^^^^

Save the file and rerun all the tests. Even though the implementation is wrong, the tests all pass!

Note that we’re adding a distance and a speed here. If we were using quantities, the wrong code wouldn’t even compile. (That said: in a real project, this would also be a good signal to add more test cases, too. 😅)

Undo the error you introduced. Now you’re ready to fix both these problems at once.

Exercise 2

Reverse the roles of the functions.

  • Use quantity types for the core logic.
  • Turn the raw numeric version into the thin wrapper.

All existing tests should pass without modification.

Something like this inside of your "tutorial/" file should work:

double stopping_distance_m(double speed_mps, double acceleration_mpss) {
    // Convenient ad hoc quantity makers, for readability.
    constexpr auto mps = meters / second;
    constexpr auto mpss = meters / squared(second);

    return stopping_distance(mps(speed_mps), mpss(acceleration_mpss)).in(meters);

QuantityD<Meters> stopping_distance(QuantityD<MetersPerSecond> speed,
                                    QuantityD<MetersPerSecondSquared> acceleration) {
    // This first implementation uses only the most basic kinematic equations.
    // We could refactor it later to be more efficient.

    // t = (v - v0) / a
    const auto t = -speed / acceleration;

    // (x - x0) = (v0 * t) + (1/2)(a * t^2)
    return speed * t + 0.5 * acceleration * t * t;

Here, we chose to separate out the construction of our quantity makers, so we could make the “real” line more concise and readable. This has no impact on performance either way, but in this case it makes the unit-safe handoffs easier to see at a glance. Do whatever makes your code the most readable!

As for the “core logic” implementation, note how it turns out to be much cleaner without the unit suffixes clogging up the variable name. It’s also more robust. If you try introducing the same unit error we did up above, you should find that it gets caught at compile time.


This exercise showed how you can upgrade the unit safety of your codebase incrementally, without forcing huge changes across your project. You can provide a new, unit-safe API which coexists with the old one, which becomes a thin wrapper. You can migrate your clients independently in small batches. And when they’re all migrated, simply delete the old one!


As you become more proficient with the library, you may prefer to skip straight to the second step, and turn the old function into the “shim” right away. This is generally a better approach.

Return to the main tutorial page.