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Au 101: Quantity Makers Exercise


This is the exercise for the concepts in the tutorial page Au 101: Quantity Makers. We’ll assume you’re familiar with everything in that page, so if you’re not, you’ll want to read it first.


Before you start, make sure you’ve followed the developer’s guide so you’re able to build and test the code!


The point of this exercise is to get some practice making and using quantities. We’ll get values into and out of the units library, and we’ll also perform a few operations (simple arithmetic, and streaming output).

The file we’ll be working in can be found here, relative to the repository root:

  • "tutorial/"

The following command executes the code:

bazel run //tutorial:101_quantity_makers

Run it now to make sure everything’s working: it should run to completion, and all tests should pass.

Exercise 1: printing quantities

Open up the file, "tutorial/", and scroll down to the EXERCISE 1(a) section. This takes you to a function, print_raw_number_and_quantity(), where you’ll begin the exercise.

Exercise 1(a)

Read through the function print_raw_number_and_quantity(), and uncomment the final two lines. Note that in the second line, we’re streaming a quantity variable to output. What do you expect to see?

When you’ve formed an expectation, run the target:

bazel run //tutorial:101_quantity_makers

What do you see? Did it match your expectations?

Here’s what will be printed:

track_length_m: 100
track_length: 100 m

Note how the unit information has effectively migrated. With the raw double, it was a suffix on the variable name, which means that human readers are responsible for keeping track of it. With the quantity, it becomes a part of the type itself, so the compiler is responsible for keeping track of it.

The Au library has a compile-time label for every unit. When we stream the quantity, we first stream its underlying value, and then stream the unit label.

Now we have a more interactive example. We’ll create several quantities, and for each one, you need to write how you expect it to be printed.

Exercise 1(b)

Scroll down to the PrintsAsExpected test case (just below the EXERCISE 1(b) comment block), and uncomment each test assertion one at a time. Replace the empty string placeholder, "", with the actual string you expect when streaming this quantity.

For example, if you see this:

EXPECT_EQ(stream_to_string(squared(meters)(100)), "");

then you would replace it with this:

EXPECT_EQ(stream_to_string(squared(meters)(100)), "100 m^2");

When you’re done, your assertions should look something like this:

EXPECT_EQ(stream_to_string(meters(100)), "100 m");

EXPECT_EQ(stream_to_string(meters(100.0) / seconds(8.0)), "12.5 m / s");
EXPECT_EQ(stream_to_string((meters / second)(12.5)), "12.5 m / s");

EXPECT_EQ(stream_to_string((meters / second)(10.0) / seconds(8.0)), "1.25 m / s^2");
EXPECT_EQ(stream_to_string((meters / second)(10.0) * seconds(8.0)), "80 m");

The first is a warm-up problem: a checkpoint to make sure you’re doing the exercise correctly.

The second gives an example of a general principle: when we multiply or divide quantities, we can reason independently about the units, and the underlying values. In this case, we know that the result’s underlying value will be 100.0 / 8.0, that is, 12.5. And the unit will be meters (\text{m}) divided by seconds (\text{s}), that is, \text{m} / \text{s}. (Notice how the library automatically generates a label for compound units: from the input labels m and s, the compound label m / s is generated at compile time.)

The third example represents the same quantity as the second, except that it’s constructed directly via the compound quantity maker, (meters / second). Again, as in the tutorial page, note the grammar: we write (meters / second), not (meters / seconds).

The fourth example shows that when we accumulate powers of the same unit, the automatically generated label knows how to represent these. “Meters per second”, divided by “seconds”, gives “meters per squared second”, labeled as m / s^2.

The fifth example shows that when any unit cancels out completely, it gets dropped from the label. “Meters per second”, times “seconds”, gives simply “meters”.

Exercise 2: implementing with quantities

Exercise 2

Replace the implementation of the function stopping_accel_mpss() with quantities, instead of raw doubles. You will probably want to do this in three stages.

  1. Create a new quantity variable for each parameter. It should have the same name, minus the unit suffix. For example, for a parameter double duration_s, you would write:

    const auto duration = seconds(duration_s);

    (Note the unit-safe handoff, between the quantity-maker seconds and the unit suffix _s.)

  2. Replace the raw doubles in the core computation with their corresponding quantity variables. Note that you’ll need to change both the type (to auto), and the name (to eliminate the suffix).

  3. Use .in(...) to extract the raw double to return. You’ll need to form the correct quantity maker to pass to it.

When you’re done, your implementation should look something like this:

// Example updated solution:
double stopping_accel_mpss(double initial_speed_mps, double stopping_distance_m) {
    const auto initial_speed = (meters / second)(initial_speed_mps);
    const auto stopping_distance = meters(stopping_distance_m);

    const auto accel = -(initial_speed * initial_speed) / (2.0 * stopping_distance);

    return / squared(second));

Let’s evaluate the code change relative to the original, which we’ll reproduce here for convenience.

// Original:
double stopping_accel_mpss(double initial_speed_mps, double stopping_distance_m) {
    const double accel_mpss =
        -(initial_speed_mps * initial_speed_mps) / (2.0 * stopping_distance_m);

    return accel_mpss;
  • PRO:
    • ✔ The core computation is now protected from unit errors.
    • ✔ The core computation is also less cluttered without the unit suffixes.
    • ✔ The runtime performance is identical, with even the slightest optimization levels enabled.
  • CON:
    • ❌ We’ve added extra lines to turn our double variables into quantities.
    • ❌ We haven’t improved unit safety at the callsites at all.

Admittedly, this change is pretty marginal for such a short function, but keep in mind that this example is just a baby step. The real power of the library will come when we learn how to use quantities in our API types: our function parameters, return values, and member variables. Then we’ll gain far-reaching improvements that can make development faster and safer across an entire codebase.


This exercise showed the basics of how to work with quantities. Here are some skills we practiced:

  • Turning a raw numeric value into a quantity, by calling a quantity maker (for example, meters(5.0)).
  • Extracting raw numeric values from quantities, by calling .in(...) (for example, / squared(second))).
  • Forming and using compound quantity makers, such as (meters / second)(12.5).
  • Performing basic operations with quantities, including:
    • Multiplying and dividing them.
    • Streaming them to output (but see the note below).


I/O streaming support isn’t included in every installation method.

  • For single-file installations, it’s included by default, but can be omitted by choice.
  • For full library installations, one needs to include "au/io.hh" to get this functionality.

The gist is that it will tend to be either already included, or easily accessible, unless somebody made a conscious decision during the installation to exclude it.

Return to the main tutorial page.